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RPMI-1640是Moore等人于1967年在美国纽约州法罗市的罗斯韦尔公园纪念研究所(Roswell Park Memorial Institute, RPMI)开发出来的,RPMI是该研究所开发的一类细胞培养基,1640是培养基代号。RPMI-1640是改进型的McCoy's 5A培养基,使用碳酸氢盐缓冲系统,与大多数哺乳动物细胞培养基不同的是其典型的PH8的配方。RPMI-1640培养基最初是为淋巴细胞培养专门设计的,现在已广泛应用于各种正常细胞和癌细胞的培养,尤其是悬浮细胞的培养,是使用最为广泛的培养基之一。
形态 | 粉末 |
L-谷氨酰胺 | 2.0mM |
D-葡萄糖 | 2000mg/L |
HEPES缓冲剂 | 无 |
酚红指示剂 | 5.0mg/L |
储存条件 | 2-8℃ 密闭、避光 |
运输条件 | 常温 |
有效期 | 36个月 |
1. 配制用水应使用纯化水、超纯水或注射用水,配制过程中水温应控制在20-30℃;
2. 于配制容器中加入90%配制体积的配制用水(如需配制1L则这里加900mL配制用水),开启培养基配制容器的混合系统(建议混合系统单位体积输入功率大于10W/m3),充分搅拌,搅拌时应避免气泡的产生;
3. 根据所需配制体积,计算所需粉末质量,按照10.45g/L比例称取粉末培养基(如需配制1L则需称取10.45g粉末)。将准确称的培养基干粉加入到步骤【2】的配制容器中, 充分搅拌20min 以上,直至粉末完全溶解;
4. 待溶液完全澄清后,根据配制体积,按照2.0g/L比例称取碳酸氢钠(分析纯)粉末,缓慢加入到步骤【3】的溶液中,继续搅拌5-10min至溶解;
5. 加配制用水将完全溶解的步骤【4】溶液精确定容至100%配制体积(如需配制1L则容至1L);
6. 测量pH值,必要时用1mol/L氢氧化钠溶液或1mol/L盐酸溶液调整pH值至7.20-7.30;由于过滤会使培养基pH值稍微偏高,因此此处比目的pH值(7.20-7.40)要低一些;
7. 用孔径为0.2μm的滤膜正压过滤除菌(注意无菌操作);
8. 过滤结束可以取少许液体培养基进行菌检,待合格后再使用;
9. 过滤后的培养基液体应立即使用或存放于玻璃瓶、培养基瓶(PET)或具有隔氧涂层的一次性储液袋中,2-8℃避光保存,此时液体培养基保质期为1年。
1. 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套及口罩操作;
2. 为保持本产品的最佳使用效果,请务必按照建议的储存条件进行保存;
3. 本产品仅供科学研究或进一步生产使用,不可用于临床诊断或治疗。
Weak Binding of Epigallocatechin to α-Lactalbumin Greatly Improves Its Stability and Uptake by Caco-2 Cells (2007-01-20)
作者:Jiaqi Ma:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Food from Plant Resources, Beijing 100083, China. ; Qimeng Yao:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Food from Plant Resources, Beijing 100083, China. ; Xuemin Chen:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Food from Plant Resources, Beijing 100083, China. ; Chenyan Lv:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Food from Plant Resources, Beijing 100083, China. ; Jiachen Zang:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Food from Plant Resources, Beijing 100083, China. ; Guanghua Zhao:1.College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineer
期刊:Weak Binding of Epigallocatechin to α-Lactalbumin Greatly Improves Its Stability and Uptake by Caco-2 Cells
影响因子 :6.1
引用产品: RPMI-1640培养基,干粉 , GES-1 细胞
α-Chaconine Affects the Apoptosis, Mechanical Barrier Function, and Antioxidant Ability of Mouse Small Intestinal Epithelial Cells (2005-01-20)
作者:Yuhua He:1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; 2.The Innovation Centre of Ruminant Precision Nutrition and Smart and Ecological Farming, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; 3.Jilin Inter-Regional Cooperation Centre for the Scientific and Technological Innovation of Ruminant Precision Nutrition and Smart and Ecological Farming, Jilin City, China. ; Jiaqi Chen:1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; Qiyue Zhang:1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; Jialong Zhang:1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; Lulai Wang:1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin City, China. ; X
期刊:α-Chaconine Affects the Apoptosis, Mechanical Barrier Function, and Antioxidant Ability of Mouse Small Intestinal Epithelial Cells
影响因子 :5.6
引用产品: RPMI-1640培养基,干粉