产品中心Cell Resources
名称 | MOLM-13 (人急性髓性白血病细胞) (STR鉴定正确) |
别称 | MOLM13; Molm13; Molm 13 |
种属 | 人 |
生长特性 | 悬浮细胞 |
细胞形态 | 淋巴细胞样 |
冻存条件 | 冻存液:55% 基础培养基+40%FBS+5%DMSO 温度:液氮 |
培养方案A(默认) |
气相:空气,95%;CO2,5%, 温度:37℃
推荐传代比例 | 1:2-1:6 |
推荐换液频率 | 2-3次/周 |
背景描述 | established from the peripheral blood of a 20-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia AML FAB M5a at relapse in 1995 after initial myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, refractory anemia with excess of blasts, RAEB); described to carry internal tandem duplication of FLT3; the FLT3 protein is not expressed; cell line carries the CBL deltaExon8 mutant; sister cell line of MOLM-14 (ACC 777). Exome and RNA sequence data are available (see Ref 18187 and Exome sequence and RNA-Seq)。 |
年龄(性别) | 男性;20岁 |
组织来源 | 外周血 |
细胞类型 | 肿瘤细胞 |
肿瘤类型 | 白血病细胞 |
生物安全等级 | BSL-1 |
倍增时间 | 3-4 days (PubMed=9305600); 24 hours (PubMed=25984343); 41.1 hours (PubMed=28052028); ~50 hours (DSMZ=ACC-554) |
保藏机构 | DSMZ; ACC-554 |
Amelogenin X, Y CSF1PO 10,12 D2S1338 23,25 D3S1358 15 D5S818 10,11 D7S820 10,12 D8S1179 13,14 D13S317 10,11 D16S539 10,11 D18S51 13,15 D19S433 12,14 D21S11 30,31 FGA 21,23 PentaD 9,12 PentaE 18,19 TH01 7 TPOX 8 vWA 16,17 D6S1043 12,14 D12S391 15,19 D2S441 11,12 -
Off-the-shelf CAR-NK cells targeting immunogenic cell death marker ERp57 execute robust antitumor activity and have a synergistic effect with ICD inducer oxaliplatin (2024-07-01)
期刊:Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
影响因子 :10.3
引用产品: NK-92 细胞 , MKN-45 细胞 , Eca-109 细胞 , IM95 细胞 , 293T/17 细胞 , MOLM-13 细胞
Activation of non-classical Wnt signaling pathway effectively enhances HLA-A presentation in acute myeloid leukemia (2024-06-19)
期刊:Frontiers in Oncology
影响因子 :3.5
引用产品: MOLM-13 细胞 , 人骨髓造血干细胞完全培养基 , 人骨髓造血干细胞 , HL-60 细胞 , THP-1 细胞
Integrated analysis and validation reveal CYTH4 as a potential prognostic biomarker in acute myeloid leukemia (2024-01-16)
期刊:Oncology Letters
影响因子 :2.9
引用产品: NOMO-1 细胞 , MOLM-13 细胞 , NB4 细胞 , BALL-1 细胞 , NALM-6 细胞 , SUP-B15 细胞
Correlating gene expression levels with transcription factor binding sites facilitates identification of key transcription factors from transcriptome data (2024-11-29)
期刊:Frontiers in Genetics
影响因子 :2.8
引用产品: MOLM-13 细胞 , HL-60 细胞 , U-937 细胞 , OCI-AML-3 细胞
